Monday, January 31, 2011






假如有天我真正选择了离开...那么对不起 不是想要你的挽留..而是对你真的死心了。










Monday, January 24, 2011

Half year :)

24th january * we have been together already half year baby! Yeah!
Thank for everyday that you make me laugh. Thank for everything that you did for me Love you Baby! Dear, half year already. What's your feeling? :) I really hope that you can stay with me forever. I Love You.

Today i needn't to work, OFF day :D So i asked my boy boy to accompany me to go to JJ. Chinese New Year is coming, i still haven't buy my new clothes :/ Ish!
This morning woke up at 10.3oam. Then almost 11.3oam, he came to fetch me. I make-up & dress up at his house. But i just simply to make-up due to i finished my eyeliner :')

Reached to Jusco.
We straight went to Mc Donald to have our lunch. Because he so hungry :/ Today i went to JJ mainly because of i wanted to buy eyeliner and look for some new clothes. Then he just accompany me and gave some opinion to me. Ahaha! Do you guys feel that he will bored at that time? :D We went to SASA to buy eyeliner. RM44 --'' Expensive lar weyyy. Fortunately my sis share with me, so i just have to pay half of the price. Okay! Next shop that we went was Giordano. I tried a clothe which is blue colour one. He said it's nice. So i listen to him. Finally i bought it XD

Pics of today.
He wear cons. That's why his eyes become bigger :D
Double chin :D
Why just have my dear's photo? Where's me? Hais. I dont know why my look so ugly today. Simple make-up not suit me? idk :/ Took many pics, but i deleted all >< Disappointed!
Finish the post of today.

Those pics which i took long time ago. Now only upload.
Not because im lazy but i need to work :'( I lack of time to sleep. If give me extra time i also wont use the time to switch on PC. Damn tired!
This pics.
I like to drink cucumber juice. Haha!
Tired again :( Wanna lie on my bed right now! GoodNight everyone. GoodNight Baby ^^

Thursday, January 13, 2011

What title of this post? Old Town? Dance? etc?

Second post of 2011. A dance competition.
Congratz to my boy's crew @ Floor Digital won their dance competition on yesterday. Not only my boy's crew took part in that competition, my cousin sis's BF also attended. The competition start at 8pm. But i reached there at 6.30pm. Because i have my dinner with my friend at OldTown.

Camwhored in my room while waiting my friend come and fetch me :)
On the way going to OldTown :x
After finish my dinner @
Darkness place. Darkness effect. Because after finish my dinner, it was night ><''
Picture with my boy.
That night he came to find me, he scared me --'' When his face close to me, i able to see his make-up and his sweat clearly. Ahaha! Not bad not bad(I'm not mean his sweat but his make-up) :D
Fatty Lpk VS Horror Lky
My shorty lovely boy ^^ Yeng!
As for the show, awesome! I prefer a girl who same crew with my boy. Their show was a story scene. The story describe someone rob her baby, so she felt sad and shouted out loud! I like her shouted sound, her face expression. Seems so crazy. I like that effect :)

First picture with my Best Sister in 2011 *
My Best Sista @ Kit Yee.
Around 10.30pm, my best sista's friend fetch us went to Greentown after so long :)
Almost 11.45pm, back home. I promise my mom that i will back home before 12am. So must be punctual. If not, NO NEXT TIME to go out ~ ^^
Before sleep, argue with my boy. Actually at that time, i think it's almost 4am, both of us also felt tired already, but don't know why we still want to argue with each other. Fortunately, It's okay :') Aiyar ~ Sometimes argue also is 'qing cui' lei ger maa XD Know how to endure then no problem lar. Don't argue till non-stop. Hehe! Couple's principium
Good Night Everyone * Sweet Dream. My boy LKY.

Thursday, January 6, 2011


老公..这几天我过得并不怎么开心。为什么你可以为了要和朋友开心地打机,而要我等你?一小时过去了,电话没有响过。我就知道你很投入地打机,已经把我丢在一旁了。你有想过我在等你的吗?一个人在家,无所事事,真的很闷,你知道的。可是你没有因为这样而主动说要陪我,反而叫我等你,原因是因为你要专心打机。D*U !打机真的那么好玩吗?我很不习惯一个人,更不习惯被你当成透明人那样地看待。开始觉得寂寞单身的影子离我不远。我很累了,真的很疲倦了。这句话,我讲了好多次,讲到我的口都臭了。可是你若无其事。你有没有听我说话?在你口中听到的一字一句,是谎言?还是真心话?我分不清楚了,很乱。可是到了最后,我还是选择相信你。感觉好矛盾 :')

我不喜欢你做的事情,你都会为了我,不去做。可是不好意思,是真的吗?我不喜欢你吸烟,你是真的一口也没有吸吗?真可笑!就连这么一点小事我也不知道该选择相信你还是多多怀疑。不是我要怀疑你,不是我刁蛮,我是真的很在乎你对我说的话,你对我说的‘真心话’。在我面前你可以很温柔,你可以很体贴;可是在你朋友面前,我发觉你有点点不一样了。那种感觉我无法形容。在我面前你可以选择装模作样,可是用这种态度过日子,不辛苦吗?在家没有事情做,我想了好多东西,想回你以前的性格,发现原来你改变了不少。是我察觉不到还是我还不够满足你改变了的一切?但还是很欣慰,因为你真的有改变 :)

老公..你喜欢被人哄,被人爹…可是相反的,我不会哄人,我不会爹人,而且我不喜欢这样。不会就是不会,我不会为了讨好你而特地学。也不要因为这样而说我为了你做少少事情都不可以。或许这就是我们的距离。我们一次又一次地接受考验,怀疑和误会,为什么要这样?经过了那么多的考验还不够吗?很够了。我不想再发生那样的经历。或许曾经说过的诺言只能光口说而不能以行动来完成了。其实在你心里我到底是怎样的一个角色。到底朋友重要点?打机重要点?还是你的另一半(我)重要点?我好想知道哦 :'x

可是这一切的疑问,好像都要变得不重要了 *


爱得太真 太容易 让自己牺牲
太容易 不顾一切 满是伤痕
我太笨 明知道你是错的人
* 可能 在爱里面这样算笨
可能 永远没有所谓永恒
但是我 不愿放弃这里面一点点可能
爱得太真 太容易 让自己牺牲
太容易 不顾一切 满是伤痕
我太笨 明知道你是错的人
我太笨 明知道你是错的人