Wednesday, March 30, 2011

Missing you.

5.30am Right Now !

老公…还记得我们刚才聊过的话题么?我想和你说声对不起…对不起老公…很庆幸能从你口中听到一些很感人的话 :)) 其实‘永远’这个字眼在我眼里不算什么…有人可以把‘永远’说得多么的遥远…但‘永远’到底有多远?日子用秒来计算的,漫长得就像被卡住一样,谁能估计到它到底有多远?老公…蛮开心你对我许下了承诺。但很抱歉,因为我就只会一次又一次地做出一些事情来破坏我们之间的感情。是我太过于幼稚了么?还是我根本就不懂得如何去珍惜?但我知道如果我不珍惜你对我的好,最后得来的结果将会是永远失去你 :)


呵呵…突然想起了我们的过去…很自然地,也很纯粹地写了下来…还记得你第一次对我撒的谎言么?就那一次我们差点就分开…说起来你还真的要谢谢我呢 ^^ 如果当时的我不肯原谅你的话,你现在怎么会有一个对你那么好的女朋友?:D [自恋中~ ] 还有以前的我们,可以好几个月都不吵架。以前的我们都懂得如何让彼此都过得舒服,过得开心…但久而久之,我们都好像长大了,成熟了似的…也许出来工作认识到的朋友影响了我们,又或许是我们大家都在变。变?!好事还是坏事?变得成熟了是好事!但成熟的同时,我们的感情变得不稳定了。这对我而言是件坏事!:(

老公…你每天都说我变…到底我变得怎么样了?因为之前没有时常出夜街,现在就差不多个个礼拜都出,所以才说我变?最主要的原因是你觉得我好像变得都不怎么关心你了,对么?你和我提过了…很遗憾的是在你说了问题的所在以后,我都没有认真地去改…对不起老公…我只能说其实我已经努力过了…我已经在试着去改变自己…有时候的情绪不是自己能够控制得了 :(

老公,其实我们都一样…我们都很疼爱彼此…我们会希望彼此能够过得开心,能够每天爱自己多一点,能够在调皮的时候给人骂骂酱…等等 * 我说的都对么?你认同么?老公 ^_^'' 嘻嘻 还有!拜托!不要再问我是不是就来要和你分开什么之类的话了…我没有想过…就算我们再怎么吵,我也不会那么轻易地对你说那两个字…我对你的爱无法用言语或者几行字就能够说得明白。其实爱情本来就是半真半假的啊…或许在每个人心中所定义,所向往的爱情都不一样。也许最关心你最疼你的那个人,才是能让你托付终身的人吧…是么?林建益 :)

我知道爱情的路总不会是平平坦坦的…多多少少一定会有少许的坎坷与挫折…但我们承受得了啊~只要我们俩接受得住以后种种的考验,我保证!我保证我们一定能陪伴彼此 * 一生一世 *

Great thursday with Babe.

I thursday! Because it's a great day! Why?! ^^ Because i needn't to wake up early and go to work. I can do my own things or spend my free time with my babe :) Syok!
Last thursday @ JUSCO
We went there for watched movie. The title of that movie - 猛男滚死队 It's a comedy movie! For me, it have abit bored. Sigh. But i have a partner to accompany me until the end of movie, so i just watched it without any nagging * Actually have some part also made me laugh out loud lar XD
After finish movie, my babe & I went to Sushi King for our dinner!
Must have camwhored with him lar!
First @ My babe L.K.Yik
His new hair style
I love this pic so muchhhh. Cute *
My babe & I
My face seems so big :'( Herm.
It's me! ^^
Shooting by Mr lim. He said that he don't know how to take photo.
How you feel? The angel of this photo still okay anot? :D
Well. After it - Backed home & Bath & online!
When online-ing , i felt so hungry. But that time almost 1am. I'm dare not to go to kitchen by myself. So the only way that i can do is just Endure Endure & Endure! In my memory, I'm on call with babe that time & he was backing home. I have told my babe that i'm very hungry.
Babe: You want to eat burger anot?
Me: No need lar. It's already night time, i don't want to eat so much, later become fatty girl. Somemore my daddy closed the door. I don't want to open it again.
Babe: I have pass by your house, i can buy for you.
Me: No need ar. I don't want to eat although it's really hungry :'(
Babe: I buy for you!
Me: Don't want!
Babe: Ok. Wait me awhile. Call you later.
Me: Why? You really buy ar?
Babe: Aiyar. Call you later lar.
Me: Hais. Okay lar. Bye~
- After ten minutes i asked him to call me -
Me: What're you doing?
Babe: You open the door lar.
Me: What open door?
Babe: You open lar.
Me: You really got buy for me? Don't play lar. If you have come, i go and open the door ger lar.
Babe: Didn't lie you. I bought it. Now you open the door then you can see me ger lar.
When i open the door, i really saw his car stopped in front of my house. It's so unexpected!
Babe: Eat full ditt ar^^
Me: Hahahah! Duk lar. Thank you ar, bye
He is gone after i closed my door. I opened it quickly. Wanginya~ XD
Eating* Aumm..aumm..aumm.. ^^ Opps! Suddenly thought to take photo. [Kacha] *.*
It’s look like so yummy. Flavour : Black pepper ~
So full that night. hahahahh! It's damn yummy! Babe, next time but it for me again :P
After finish burger, sleeping ><'' Fat fat fat!
By the way, THANK YOU lar Babe Muackssss

Saturday, March 12, 2011

The first day that he is not around me.

This morning, i think was 10.30am, my phone ring keep ringing. I open my tired eyes & looked at my phone. * +601623xxx60 * A number appear in my phone screen. Isn't my Babe give me a call? I got up from sleep immediately : ''Harlo?'' A boy sound answered me : ''Wei..Babe, know who am i?'' ''Heheh, sure i know lar, my babe maa'' :)) He called me just want to tell me that he reached SG. After the call, i continue to sleep.

12pm @
Because of my sensitive skin, i can't go to work, so stay at home :( Hemmm~ Salary deduction again.
I keep waiting my babe to call me while i was watching tv. 4pm, he called me. But we just chat awhile. I think it's not more than 1minute. How sad :( But it's ok lar, because if he call me in a long time, the phone charge will be so expensive. I also dont want to waste his money, so babe, i didn't blame you :)

10.10pm right now ! @
I never receive his call at the night time. Hey! Are you still remember me? I miss you so much :( What're you doing there? So busy? Why don't give me a call? Maybe you're having your fun now. As for me? Heng! boring boring & boring! I will be blogging just because I'm bored. Not because have something need to write out. Well, tired dy, gotta stop here. I still waiting your call, Babe :(


Friday, March 11, 2011

The tough three days.

Random Post.
My Babe. He is going to Singapore tonight. When 9.30pm, he get on the bus. The main purpose that he go to Singapore is for a dance competition. He told me that he will stay at there for three days after finish that. My God~! Three days! >< We can't find each other three days :'( Not used to it.
But he have left a message for me on facebook : ' not at here take care pls...'Hehe.
Don't know why when i saw this few words, i feel excited! Babe..I will, don't worry. But can't text with you three days, really not used to it :(
In this three days, i will miss you every seconds. Muakcss.
Take it recently.
First time wear fake eyelash. Seems very exaggerated, isn't? :P
But i like it. * Snigger *